Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A new boy (name is tba for now) joined us Monday, July 12th 2010 at 3:25. Mom and baby are doing very well. A C-Section was necessary b/c he had become transverse in the past few days and there was no guarantee of him going back to head down.

He weighed 8 lb 9 oz and was 21 inches. By contrast, our other two kids were 7lb, 1oz and 7lb, 5oz. So, we aren't used to such a big newborn.

He slept from midnight to six this morning which is nice. Feeding hasn't gone as smoothhly as we'd like, but I'm sure he will come around. Here are a couple pics to start out.

1 comment:

Dana said...

So how do you actually pronounce "tba"? Is it like "tubba"? Or "tubay"?

He is beautiful, he really is. I think he looks like Wolfie in that last picture.